Best Rate Guarantee
Our Best Rate Guarantee means that you can be sure of booking at the best rate, right here. If you find a lower price within 48 hours of booking, we will match the lower rate. And we'll give you an extra $10 off per night compared to the price of the other booking channel. -How does it work? Simply take a screenshot that clearly displays the lower price and corresponding price conditions (ie dates, room type, etc), send to [email protected] and/or call our U.S. Reservations center at 1(800)457-8787. We'll check your claim and adjust your reservation, it's that easy! ($10 Best Rate Guarantee excludes members-only sites, points, coupons and/or site specific promotional codes, group bookings, Prestigia and airfare inclusive packages such as Paisly).
Direct Booking
Experience the difference between personalized service and unmatched expertise with Ocean Club Resorts. Book direct today!
Fall Special
Plan ahead and take advantage of our Early Bird Special at the luxurious Ocean Club Resorts. Your perfect getaway awaits.
Golf Packages
Enjoy exclusive rates at nearby The Royal Turks And Caicos Golf Club, featuring a beautifully maintained championship course.
Direct Booking
Experience the difference between personalized service and unmatched expertise with Ocean Club Resorts. Book direct today!
Our Best Rate Guarantee means that you can be sure of booking at the best rate, right here. If you find a lower price within 48 hours of booking, we will match the lower rate.
Golf Packages
Enjoy exclusive rates at nearby The Royal Turks And Caicos Golf Club, featuring a beautifully maintained championship course.